Monday's can be rough but we have 50 funny Happy Monday quotes to brighten your day. Find your happy place: Whether it’s listening to your favorite music or taking a walk outdoors, It’s so important to be consistent with your exercise and nutrition habits, and Mondays are a great day to get back on track. Take a break: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to yourself to regroup. …There is nothing better than funny Monday memes or hilarious Monday morning memes to rib-tickle your funny bone and jolt you as well as charge you up on Monday morning if … Sleep Excites Me.To get you through the day, we have some laugh-out-loud funny Thursday memes that'll have you chuckling until the weekend (or they'll at least bring a smile to your face).
Daylight Savings Time is a real kick in the pants for anyone who hates mornings-especially when you have to go to work in the dark. Just a cute good morning coffee GIF to make your day.